Sunday 25 May 2014

My Poetry No.10---Success

Success Land, woman, power beauty All of these are nature’s booty In a place where nature rules Lusting for objects is for fools Nature trees grass and streams Are the real things of dreams And are true success Which will never lead to excess A car, a phone or bag are not success They are only examples of distress For nature is dying For all the things she is supplying.

My poetry No.9---Losing

Losing We must always win as we are told A phrase you’ll hear until you get old But some will by logic lose And it’s often a fate we cannot choose For we cannot always win As that must be a kind of sin In fact if we win or lose it’s the same For all that matters is playing the game.

My Poetry No.8--- Life

Life When you are young life seems long But when you are old you see that’s wrong In fact life is really short And death, we try to thwart There’s nothing wrong with having fun So long you get your work done Enjoy your life and have a blast Because every moment could be your last.

My Poetry No.7---Attitude

Attitude Oft it is said life is about attitude Surely a topic that requires latitude But the way one thanks and acts In one’s life has great impacts If one works hard and smiles Their life will be free of trials But if you walk around always sad For certain your life will be sad.

My Poetry No.6---Alcohol

Alcohol Fun in a bottle Can come in many forms Wine, beer, whisky They all cause lots of trouble It’s fun to drink Because you don’t think About how you’ll feel in the morning

My Poetry No.5--- Water

Water Water is life Falling from the sky Making all kinds of strife In the time it has to dry That water yet again goes high To fall down yet another day To make the earth green To rain can be seen As life joins water They flow to the sea To make the journey To every point of the earth